Cooked Cured Products

Discover Our Sophisticated Stabilizing Systems Specially Developed for Producing and Processing Cooked Cured Products

Our injection systems offer ideal solutions for making a variety of meat products. With injection rates of 15 % to 120 % our systems provide for high water binding capacity and improved juiciness. This not only increases yield, it also prevents syneresis. It even prevents undesired carrageenan striation in the product. Overall, the quality level goes up.

Our tumbling systems are ideal for the production of reconstituted shaped ham. They ensure outstanding tenderness, maintain juiciness, and improve overall water binding. Low weight loss during heating improves economy, and ensures good elasticity and cutting firmness of the final product. The systems also improve reddening and provide for optimum color retention during the entire storage period.

Benefit from our extensive expertise in meat and sausage applications.

Meat Preparations

Sausage Products

Convenience Products

Fat and Meat Emulsions
